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NeangKhmao Temple

Located in Rovieng Commune, around 52m south of Phnom Penh, the WatNeangKhmao is a highlight built in the 10th century by King Jayavarman IV who practiced Brahmanism. In an original design, this religious complex included three temples, but only two remain, and are heavily damaged for various reasons over time. Nonetheless, this Wat is still a popular tourist attraction in Takeo due to its irreplaceable historical and legendary values. According to the local folktale, NeangKhmao was a temple of the Black Virgin as it used to be the haven to Kali – the Dark Goddess of Destruction. The 10th-century Wat was made of sandstone and brick which was similar to the style of ThmorKohKeo.

NeangKhmao Temple
NeangKhmao Temple

NeangKhmao Temple
NeangKhmao Temple


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